“We all share the wound of fragmentation, And we can all share the cure of unification.
Healing is the unification of all our forces -the powers of being, feeling, knowing and seeing.”
- Gabrielle Roth
My vow as a healer is to show up when Spirit calls me. The call I hear is to help us remember the open-hearted beings that we are and the gifts we have to offer. We have been living from that collective wound of fragmentation and we long to return home to the place of belonging and wholeness. We need to listen to the voice of the soul and allow it to guide us on the journey of this lifetime. We have the right to live courageously and fully so that when the moment of our death comes we can let go, free of regret.
I want to help you see what is possible in your life and clear off the layers that cloud perception. This work is about creating maps that free us from suffering and open us to truth and Beauty. It is said that the more loving ground we stand on, the less space there is for fear and hatred on this earth. It is time to hold that ground.
In the Laika/Q’ero tradition, all healing work is done in the sacred space of the four directions of the medicine wheel and is held by the earth and sky. The first call is to the winds of the South, where we honor the space of the one shared earth and ask the serpent archetype to help us shed the old heavy skins of the past so we can be belly-to-belly with the great mother.
We ask the South to show us how to walk in beauty and harmony with all life. I named this work, “The Beauty Way” based on that invocation and the invitation to be, feel, know, and see Beauty.
The Beauty Way Membership offers you a way to easily incorporate monthly movement practices, healing songs, and sound journey meditations into your life so you can perceive the world through the clear eyes of loving awareness.